Monday, May 11, 2009

{Video} Yamapi on Chubaw

Credits to newshfan@lj

Notes: In recent news, Yamapi was seen at a DBSK concert with his sister! Whoa. Is he checking the moves or checking the boys? Either way, I AM SO HAPPY WHEN FANDOM COLLIDES! My dream of a HEEPI (Hee ChulXYamapi) pairing is slowly coming true! Granted, Hee Chul isn't exactly DBSK but YAY! TOTALLY GETTING THERE!


mel said...

gosh that host can sure dance well! is he a johnny too? rotfl. yamapi is so yamapi. wadever that means >.<

btw watch this if u haven?:

lol shige! :)

MC said...

Lol. I love that show. But only if KUSANO HIRONORI is AROUND!!!!! Otherwise, i'm not interested. Also I LOVE SHOON!

Also, that host can DANCE! Lol!

Anonymous said...

i know i knoww~~!!! omg i miss kusano! T.T wad is he doing now? >.<